The guy that “should” know better

“Craig, travelling for a year is awesome. 18 months is getting close to not being cool though. Once you’re at 2 years travelling and at your age, it kinda gets…well you know…and you should stop..” - a good friend...

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Just fucking travel you piece of shite

I keep having people message me about making the leap into travelling but just can't. They have money saved, a life they're not happy with and they want to see the world, but they're still in their home country...

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100 days travelling but already a lifetime of stories

Want to cause a debate at a table of backpackers, then ask them what day of the week it is. There's only a few reasons backpackers will know this instantly: they've either booked a flight recently, had an important...

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The vague plan for April

Another month has been and gone! Last month was the tail end of Cambodia. Where I did the amazing island of Koh Rong and then ended back in Siem Reap to catch a flight. However I was very ill in...

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Life is good (and why I don’t feel like an asshole in saying that anymore)

I have a friend in England who once gave me some advice (which in the end it turned out I didn't require) but he said on his wedding day it was chaotic, everyone wants to speak to the groom...

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One month in…

So one month in, I've moved onto my next country now and I have been constantly getting questions from friends and family since leaving the UK so thought it'd be a good time to write a few answers up...

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I forgot to starfish

I'm sat at Heathrow airport about to embark on my big worldwide trip (already delayed by 70 minutes due to the plane being slower than expected on the way in. Great confidence boost eh?). I don't feel excited and...

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How to save for travelling

The common question I get when I tell people I'm off travelling is "How are you affording that then?" I then say how I saved for the last few years and then that answer is usually met by a variety...

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About Me

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My Bucket List

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